The Great Free Book Drive Launch!

by - October 15, 2020

If we have learnt nothing else during 2020, We Are Stronger together💞 Whether it’s fighting the invisible enemy Corona Virus or challenging Racial Inequality or Fundraising for the NHS & Key-workers, we have come together to make a difference. 

Whilst I continue to do my part for these campaigns I wanted to do something special for Black History Month, specifically for Authors, Independent Bookshops & Black Voices. My campaign is a Free Book Drive!

I have been supporting Independent Book Shops who are committed to promoting Books by Black British Authors by donating free copies of my Book ‘Cinderella’, I Wish!  By Dominiquè DeVeraux

I am Calling All Authors & Independent Bookshops to join this Free Book Drive....... Be part of the drive for change in your local book shop, while providing tangible support to independent booksellers during this economically challenging time. 

 It’s really easy to get involved...


If you are an Author wanting to donate one or more of your books, simply contact a indie bookshop & ask if they want to join the Free Book Drive, when they say ‘Yes’ you give them a copy of your book.

Independent Bookshop

For independent Bookseller wanting to be part of the Free Book Drive, just say ‘Yes’, when an Author asks you if you want to take part. Or contact your wishlist Authors & ask them to take part in the Free Book Drive.

My hope is a new dawn in the book world when Black British Authors are valued & promoted as a commodity of the wonderfully rich & diverse tapestry of British history & society.

For more information or to ask a question about my Free Book Drive complete the contact form or send me an email

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