I Said, What I Said!

by - September 23, 2019

Since the publication of my bestselling memoir ‘Cinderella’, I Wish! I have been overwhelmed by the response from friends & family & book lovers, who have connected with the essence of my journey and my reason for writing, ‘Cinderella’, I Wish!

Described as ‘tragically brilliant’, ‘Amazing & Compelling read’, ‘Fantastic, read loved every minute’, just a few of the review headlines.

But now 4 haters (some I don’t even know) have popped up, apparently they would like me to lie about their character &/or be less descriptive. Their posts & comments actually show their vicious character.

Whilst I do apologise if my adversity offends or if my ability to rise baffles. 
But, I am rooted in my right to stand in my truth & my perspective. 

In the words of NeNe Leakes ‘I Said What I said!’

To the haters, I would like to draw your attention to my Disclaimer & Dedication;


This book is dedicated to those who truly loved me, 
And those who empowered me to aim high.
To people who misunderstood me.

I dedicate this book to me, for pushing through 
the pain & struggle, to claim a new beginning.


I have written my story to inspire and empower 
those in need of hope. While events are accurate 
from my experience & perspective, I have changed 
Names and places to protect the identity of those who
wish to remain anonymous.

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